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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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四四方方一塊布,嘴和鼻子都蓋住, 兩根帶子耳上掛,不怕風沙不怕病毒。(猜一個生活用品)
They are twin sisters, the same height and the same weight. They work in the kitchen arm-in-arm. What ever is cooked they always try it first. What are they? 他們是雙胞胎,身高和體重一樣。他們在廚房一起工作。煮的菜他們總會先吃吃看。這個東西是什麼?
chopsticks 筷子
What can you hold in your left hand, but not in your right hand? 什麼東西可以用左手拿,卻不能用右手拿?
Your right elbow. 右手肘
I'm tall when I'm young, but shorter when I'm older. What am I? 我年輕時很高,但我年老時很矮,我是什麼?
蠟燭 Candles
I have legs but can't walk. What am I?我有腳但我不能走,我是什麼?
桌子或椅子 A desk or a chair
Two people are playing chess. They play 5 games. Each person won three games. How? 兩個人在下棋,玩了五場,但兩個人都贏了三場,怎麼辦到的?
因為他們不是跟對方比賽。Because they didn't play with each other!
What has to be broken before you can use it? 什麼東西在使用前要先打破?
An egg. 雞蛋。
How many months have 28 days?一年的那個月有二十八天?
全部 All of them!
What two things can you never eat for breakfast? 哪兩個東西不能當早餐吃?
Lunch and dinner 午餐和晚餐
What goes up but never comes back down? 什麼東西只會增加不會減少?
Age 年紀
What’s full of holes but still holds water? 什麼東西充滿了洞卻可以保有水分?
sponge 海綿
What belongs to you but others use it more than you do? 什麼東西是你的,但別人卻比你常用?
Name 名字