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Abu Bakr and His Extraordinary Life

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What day did Abu Bakr die?
He died on the 13th year of Hijrah.
Where was Abu Bakr buried and who was he buried with?
Along with Muhammad, Abu Bakr is buried in the Green Dome at the Al-Masjid an-Nabawi in Medina
How did Abu Bakr die?
He fell ill, was bedridden and soon died.
What was the compilation of the Quran during Abu Bakr?
The compilation of Abū Bakr was meant to record the Qur'an in its entirety to ensure that verses of the Qur'an would not be lost with the death of those who had
What are Abu Bakr’s achievement during Caliphate?
Abu Bakr united Arabia and solidified the position of caliph for his successor, Umar
What was the name of Hazrat Abu Bakr's father?
His father’s name was Uthman.
Describe Abu Bakr’s character in job.
He was an honorable and wealthy businessman
How did Abu Bakr embrace Islam?
His immediate acceptance for Islam was a consequence of the steadfast friendship with the Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.). Abu Bakr (R.A.) knew the Prophet (S.A.W.)
How many days he spent with Holy Prophet in cave of Saur ?
A period of 3 days.
What tribe did Abu Bakr belong to?
He belonged to a rich family in the Banu Taym tribe of the Quraish tribal confederacy.
What is the name of the daughter of Abu Bakr who married the Prophet.
Her name was Aisha Bint Abu Bakr.
What areas did the influence of Islam encompass during Abu Bakr's rule?
The entirety of Arabia, Syria, Iraq and some parts of Egypt.
Was Abu Bakr the first person to embrace Islam?
No it is Kadija ( prophets Mohamed’s wife) who was the first person to embrace islam but Abu Bakr was the first male to embrace islam.
Describe Abu Bakr’s personality.
Abu Bakr was kind hearted, honest, and trustworthy.
Did Abu Bakr ever worship idols? True or False.
What does 'Al-Siddiq' mean?
The Truthful
At what age did Abu Bakr pass away? A) 66 B) 62 C) 63
C) 63
Did the Prophet specify directly that Abu Bakr should be the next leader?
No, the Prophet hinted at Abu Bakr being the next leader but did not specify directly.
Did Abu Bakr specify the next leader/Caliph?
Yes, he nominated Umar ibn al-Khattab.
How long did Abu Bakr's Caliphate last?
Two years, two months and fifteen days
What was Abu Bakr’s real name?
Abdullah ibn Abi Qahafa
What was the name given to Abu Bakr from the prophet. A) Al-Mahi B) As-Siddiq C) Al-Aqib
B) As - Siddiq
How was Abu Bakr chosen as the first caliph?
Senior members of the community came together to find the best person suitable for the job.
Why aid Abu Bakr divorce his first wife?
Divorced her because she did not embrace Islam.
How many wives did Abu Bakr have?
He had 4 wives.
What was Abu Bakr’s fathers name?
His father's name was Uthman.
Where was Abu Bakr born?
Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Was Abu Bakr the First Caliph of Islam after Prophet Muhammad? True or False