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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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__________________________? __________________________.
Where is the cup? The cup is ON the table.
__________________________? __________________________.
Where is the glass? The glass is NEAR the table.
__________________________? __________________________.
Where is the ice cream? The ice cream is IN FRONT OF the box.
__________________________? __________________________.
Where is the lab coat? The lab coat is BEHIND the box.
__________________________? __________________________.
Where are the goggles? The goggles are IN the box.
__________________________? __________________________.
Where are the paints? The paints are IN FRONT OF the box.
__________________________? __________________________.
Where is the tube? The tube is ON the table.
__________________________? __________________________.
Where are the pebbles? The pebbles are NEAR the table.
__________________________? __________________________.
Where is the scientist? The scientist is BEHIND the table.
__________________________? __________________________.
Where is the soil? The soil is IN the box.
__________________________? __________________________.
Where is the magnifier? The magnifier is NEXT TO the box.
__________________________? __________________________.
Where is the brush? The brush is IN the box.
__________________________? __________________________.
Where is the paper towel? The paper towel is ON the table.
__________________________? __________________________.
Where is the microscope? The microscope is UNDER the table.
__________________________? __________________________.
Where is the teddy? The teddy is NEAR the table.
__________________________? __________________________.
Where is the teddy? The teddy is IN FRONT OF the box.
__________________________? __________________________.
Where is the teddy? The teddy is BEHIND the box.
__________________________? __________________________.
Where is the teddy? The teddy is IN the box.
__________________________? __________________________.
Where is the teddy? The teddy is NEXT TO the table.
__________________________? __________________________.
Where is the teddy? The teddy is UNDER the table.
__________________________? __________________________.
Where is the teddy? The teddy is ON the table.