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Unit 7 - Grade 11 - Participle phrases and to-in ...

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The flowers that are blooming in the garden are roses.
The flowers blooming in the garden are roses.
Tom was the first person who climbed the highest mountain in our town.
Tom was the first person to climb the highest mountain in our town.
The car that is being washed is mine.
The car being washed is mine.
The song that topped the charts was a hit.
The song topping the charts was a hit.
The restaurant which was decorated with clowns and skeletons last night has closed down.
The restaurant decorated with clowns and skeletons last night has closed down.
The book that was sold the most copies was a thriller.
The book sold the most copies was a thriller.
Emma was the most dedicated employee who worked overtime every day.
Emma was the most dedicated employee to work overtime every day.
The movie that won the Oscar was a surprise.
The movie winning the Oscar was a surprise.
The house which was built with orange bricks was demolished last year.
The house built with orange bricks was demolished last year.
The flowers that grow in our garden are beautiful.
The flowers growing in our garden are beautiful.
The restaurant that serves Italian food is just around the corner.
The restaurant serving Italian food is just around the corner.
The woman who teaches me English is very patient.
The woman teaching me English is very patient.
The city that never sleeps is New York.
The city never sleeping is New York.
The book which was written by my personal trainer is about healthy eating.
The book written by my personal trainer is about healthy eating.
Mr. Khoa, who is the first cute person in my school, teaches English to my classmates.
Mr. Khoa is the first cute person in my school to teach English to my classmates.
The man who has lived next door to me for years is a football coach.
The man having lived next door to me for years is a football coach.
Jessica is my friend, a young lady. She won the lottery last week.
Jessica winning  the lottery last week. is my friend, a young lady.
John, who travelled to Malaysia with my wife yesterday, is my university classmate.
John travelling to Malaysia with my wife yesterday is my university classmate.
Nessie, which lives in Loch Ness, is a monster.
Nessie living in Loch Ness is a monster.
A Scot, who is visiting his family in Scotland now, is my lovely husband.
A Scot visiting his family in Scotland now is my lovely husband.