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Halloween Around the World
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What animal is often banned from adoptions during the month of October and especially on Halloween?
Black Cat
What vegetable was originally used for carving jack-o-lanterns?
What was the name of the original Celtic festival from which Halloween was born?
Which animal is a top trending costume for 2017?
The 2017 top trending costume according to Google is...
Wonder Woman
In what country does the Buddhist Pchum Ben holiday celebrate the dead? People give foods like sweet sticky rice and beans wrapped in banana leaves, and visit temples to offer up baskets of flowers as a way to pay respect to the dead.
The Awuru Odo Festival marks the return of dearly departed friends and family members back to the living. In what country does it take place?
In which country is Dracula's Transylvania home located?
People put their knives away in this country on Halloween, because they don't want to risk harming "returning spirits".
In what country is Halloween known as the "Festival of Hungry Ghosts"?
What Mexican holiday is known as a time to remember family and friends?
The Day of the Dead
When the Romans conquered the Celtics, they introduced the Pomona holiday. What fruit symbolized the holiday, and what current Halloween tradition did it lead to?
apples, bobbing for apples
In which country did Halloween originate?
With which Catholic holiday is Halloween associated?
All Saints Day
What does the term "hallow" mean in relation to Halloween?
A saint or holy person
Which large fruit is carved to make jack-o-lanterns?