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Easter LE 3-4

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did the angel tell the women at the tomb?
Jesus was not there.
Who did the women find at the tomb?
They found an angel.
How did Jesus die?
on the cross
What is the name of Jesus's friend who was bad?
What animal did Jesus ride into Jerusalem?
a donkey
How many fish and loaves did the boy give to Jesus?
2 fish and 5 loaves
About how many people were hungry after they followed Jesus?
about 5000
What did Jesus say to Zacchaeus?
Come down. I am going to your house.
Was Zacchaeus a good man?
Who was the man in the tree?
How many lepers said, "Thank You."?
How many lepers did Jesus heal?
What did Jesus put on the blind man's eyes?
What did Jesus turn the water into?
Who was Jesus's best friend?
Who are Jesus's mom and dad?
Mary and Joseph
How many good friends did Jesus have?
Who is he?
He is Jesus.