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Alice in Wonderland

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I am the one who adviced Alice to never be angry. I was seated on a mushroom, smoking a pipe.
the Caterpillar
I am the one who Alice followed. I am so afraid that the Duchess would be mad at me because I am late.
White Rabbit
Did all of this really happen to Alice?
No, it was all a dream.
Who stole the tarts?
the Knave of Hearts
What did Alice play with the Queen?
Why were the gardeners making the roses red?
Because red was the Queen's favourite colour.
What made Alice, the Duchess and her baby sneeze?
the pepper soup
What happened to Alice at the White Rabbit's house?
She grew so big and it made the other animals afraid. They started to throw stones at her.
Who won the Caucus race?
All of them were winners.
What happened to Alice when she ate the cake?
she grew bigger
What happened to Alice when she drank the potion on the table?
she became tiny
Who was the one reading a book with no pictures?
Alice's sister
Who is the author of "Alice in Wonderland"?
Lewis Carroll