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Body systems: respiratory, circulatory and repro ...

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This period lasts nine months in humans.
What are the names of A and D?
A) Right atrium / D) Left ventricle.
When the baby is ready to leave its mother´s uterus, _____________ happens.
What is the aim of the amniotic sac?
To protect the developing baby and keep it warm.
After nine weeks of pregnancy the embryo becomes a __________
When the ovum is fertilised it becomes an ______________
The developing baby is connected to its mother by the _______________
Umbilical cord
The baby is protected inside a bag of water, called the _____________
Amniotic sac
When a male sex cell (sperm) and a female sex cell (ovum) join together _____________ happens.
What´s the name of this tube?
What´s the name of these tubes?
Sperm ducts
The testicles are contained in a pouch of skin called___________.
The ____________ produce the male sex cells, called sperm.
What´s the name of the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body?
What´s the name of the blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart?
These are tiny air sacs found at the end of each bronchiole.
The alveoli are covered in these.
These smaller tubes are found at the end of the bronchi.
The ______________are at the end of the trachea, and lead to the lungs .
Air enters our body through the _______________and the ___________ .
Mouth and nose
Body systems are groups of ______________ that work together to perform a specific task.
What is the main function of the excretory system?
To eliminate waste from the body.
It extracts nutrients from the food we eat. Which system is it?
Digestive system
It controls our body, allowing the different parts of it to communicate. Which system are is it?
Nervous system
The locomotor system allows us to...
Move around.