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Finally Something Mysterious - Ch 15

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His dance moves were erratic, emotional bursts of energy eager to show themselves. What type of figurative language?
alliteration - /e/ sound repeated
Once the Conquistador moves in, the One & Onlys will need to move their secret hideout to another spot in town. Look at the map of Bellwood and find a possible new location. Why would that spot work best?
answers vary
Dad mentions that things are certainly going to "change" around here when the Conquistador moves in. There is a lot of negative talk. What's one good thing that could happen as a result of this store moving in?
will make more jobs for people in the area, will allow people to buy items for less, one stop shopping
"Some dads show their kids how to change the oil in a car or throw a good spitball. I got 'currywurst' advice." Do you think Paul wishes his dad were more like other kids' dads? Explain.
answers vary
What type of figurative language? "My dad lowered his voice and leaned close to me, as if revealing the answer to an ancient mystery."
simile - used "as" to compare
What could be a possible story theme that is supported by this chapter?
answers vary - When things get rough, try your best to stay positive. Enjoy the small things in life. When things get hard, don't give up.
Why was this chapter titled "Igor, Please Pass the Mustard"?
When Paul questioned weird foods being added to the recipe, mom asked if the hunchback assistant Igor ever questioned the mad scientist's methods
What type of figurative language? What does the quote mean? "My dad was not exactly a ballerina."
implied metaphor - doesn't exactly say what is being compared. It means Dad is not a good dancer.
Explain this metaphor. "Now this sauce is not the main character of our dish. It's more of a sidekick that helps the main character on the journey." (p. 154)
Sauce helps the main dish taste even better.
What type of figurative language? (simile, metaphor, hypberbole, personification) "My mom swiveled and flashed me a startled look. White flour streaked her hair, which made her look like a grandma."
simile - like
Tell 2 ways the Marconi's will be impacted by the Conquistador. (pgs 158-159)
They may have to eventually close their store because won't make as much money, might need to relocate, parents would need to find new jobs
We gain some insight into why Mr. Pocus may have become so grumpy as he aged. What's the reason?
His wife passed away about 10 years ago and she brought him the most joy in his life.
We learn who one of the chief tasters is in the contest. Who is it?
Mr. Pocus
Today's the day of the Triple B. What is the Bratwurst dish Paul's family will be entering in the contest? Tell what's in it. (Look on p. 155-156 if you need help)
Bratwurst rolled in a pancake with currywurst sauce