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S2A Unit 4 Superlatives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The giant sequoia or giant redwood trees are ________ in the world.
the tallest
the most tallest
the more tallest
Mosquitos are __________ animals in the world because they carry many diseases.
the most dangerous
more dangerous
The cheetah is _________ animal in the world.
the fastest
the most fast
the most fastest
The Etruscan Shrew is one of __________ animal in the world.
the tiniest
the tinyest
the more tinyest
The Atacama desert is ________ place in the world.
the driest
the dryest
the most dryest
The __________ place in the world is located in India.
more wettest
the wettest
I almost failed my math test. It was __________ test ever!
the hardest
most hard
harder than
Sultan Kosen is ___________ living person in the world.
the tallest
the most tallest
The Pan-American is ____________ highway in the world.
the longest
the most longest
Blue whales are __________ sea animals.
the largest
the larger
the most largest
Mount Everest is __________ mountain in the world.
the highest
the more high
Chihuahuas are considered ___________ dogs in the world.
the smallest
more smallest
Antarctica is ____________ place on Earth.
the coldest
most coldest
His grandfather is ________ in his family.
the oldest
the most old
the old
Those are _______ flowers, I have ever seen.
the most beautiful
more beautiful
Elephants are _______ land animals in the world.
the heaviest
the heavyest
Ha Giang loop is one of ____________ route in Vietnam.
the most dangerous
the more dangerous
Summer is _______ season.
the hottest
most hot
Popeyes Chicken has ______ fried chicken.
the best
most best
Landmark 81 is ________ in Vietnam.
the tallest
most tallest
Russia is ____________ country in the world
the largest
the most largest