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Chapter 18: Reconstruction

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What was the Thirteenth Amendment?
It banned slavery in every state of the nation.
3 ways Southern economy changed after Reconstruction were more coal production, new tobacco machinery, and...
More cotton textiles
3 ways Southern African Americans lost political rights were literacy test, poll taxes, and...
Grandfather clauses
Segregation is the legal separation of races.
Laws stating if a voter’s father or grandfather could vote in 1867, the voter did not have to take a literacy test were...
Grandfather clause
A test that required voters to read and explain a section of the Constitution was a literacy test.
A fee required by Southern voters every time they voted was a...
Poll tax
Who created a new manufacturing process for Duke's Tobacco Company?
James Duke
Henry Grady's phrase that describes the Southern states using its natural resources to build up industry is...
"New South"
The Supreme Court ruling that said segregation was legal so long as facilities for blacks and whites were equal was:
Plessy vs. Ferguson
Jim Crow laws were a series of laws created in the South to discriminate against black people.
Rutherford B. Hayes was the Republican nominee for president in the 1876 election.
What was a "sharecropper"?
A Freedmen who rented and farmed a plot of land from plantation owners
What was a "carpetbagger"?
An insult for Northerns who came south after the war to make a profit
What was a "scalawag"?
An insult for Southerners who wanted the South to change
A secret society of white Southerners who used violence to intimidate black and Conservative voters was called...
The Ku Klux Klan
Conservatives were white Southerners who did not want the South to change at all.
Blanche K. Bruce was first black American to serve a full Senate term.
Hiram Revels was America's first black Senator.
Johnson was impeached because he vetoed Reconstruction bills, and fired military officers in the South.
Black codes angered Republicans in Congress because they kept freedmen from gaining any power and...
They allowed for angry Southerners to harm freedmen
To impeach is when Congress brings formal charges against a President to remove him from office.
Black codes were certain laws that severely limited the rights of white men.
What was the Fifteenth Amendment?
States cannot deny citizen's right to vote because of race or color
What was the Fourteenth Amendment?
All persons born or naturalized in the United States are now citizens
Charles Sumner was the leader of the Radical Republicans from...
Thaddeus Stevens was the leader of Radical Republicans from...
Radical Republicans were the ones who wanted control of Reconstruction measures.
What early Reconstruction measure did Lincoln and Congress agree upon?
Freedmen's Bureau
3 problems faced by the South were Columbia, Richmond, and Atlanta were gone, 2/3 of railways were gone, and...
Confederate money was worthless
An amnesty is a government pardon.
Freedmen were people who had previously been slaves.
What was the Thirteenth Amendment?
It banned slavery in every state of the nation.
Who was President Lincoln's VP who became President after Lincoln's death?
Andrew Johnson
Who was President Lincoln's assassin?
John Wilkes Booth
The government agency that helped former slaves, passed by Congress, and signed by Lincoln was the Freedmen's Bureau.
The bill saying Southern white men couldn't vote or hold office to they had volunteered to fight for the confederacy.
Wade-Davis Bill
The bill saying the South could form a new govt. if 10% of its government pledged loyalty to the U.S. was called...
Ten Percent Plan
Reconstruction is known as the rebuilding of the South.