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Musa in the nile

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What is common Between Hajar the wife of prophet Ibrahim and Musa's mother ?
Their strong faith in Allah Az wa Jal, they had no doubt that Allah will save their sons
Allah is the most powerful.. He could Kill Pheraon and save all the sons of Israel from his corruption, why He did not do that?
We are in the land of test (all of us are being tested in different ways) like Pharos, Musa s family and sons of Israel all of them were in a test
How Allah (Azwajal) fulfilled his promise with Musa's mother?
He inspired her to throw him into the river and promised her He will return musa to her and make him one of the messenger) and that exactly what happned
Why did Musa's Mother throw him in the Nile?
She feared from the tyrant Pheraon to kill him like he killed thousands of The sons of Israel, Allah inspired her to throw him, she did because she trusts Him