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Triangles and Quadrilaterals

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can you tell me the steps of constructing a parallelogram?
Can you tell me the steps of constructing a parallelogram?
Can you tell me the steps of constructing a parallelogram?
You're given only one angle from a right angled triangle, of 40 degrees. Can you find the other 2 angles?
It is a right-angled triangle so one is 90 degrees. The last is 50 degrees as all angles add up to 180.
What do all angles in a triangle add up to?
180 degrees
What is the difference between a parallelogram and a trapezoid
Parallelograms have 2 pairs of parallel sides, a trapezoid has 1 pair.
Can you describe how to construct a right-angled triangle?
Draw one line and use compass to make a 90 degree bisector and make the next one through it, connect the lines.
What is the line called that divides something into 2 parts?
Construct a square using a compass and pencil.
Method using a full circle in 4 parts
What am I called?
What is an angle less than 90 degrees called?
Youre given a measurement of 2cm, and a measurement of 4cm, as 2 sides of your isosceles triangle. Using this infromation, construct one on your paper with a compass and pencil.
2 sides of 3cm, one side of 2cm, using the arc method
Given this is a parallelogram, find the missing angles B and D.
Same as A and C.
Given this is an iscosceles triangle, find the missing angles d and e.
65 degrees.
Using a compass, how do you construct an equilateral triangle?
Make 2 arcs from either end of the line measurement and join where they meet.
Name the shape.
Describe the difference between a rectangle and a parallelogram.
A rectangle has 4 right angles, a parallelogram has none.
Describe the difference between a rectangle and a parallelogram.
A rectangle has 4 right angles, a parallelogram has none.
I have 3 sides and they are all different lengths and all my angles are different. Who am I?
Scalene triangle
I have 4 sides, the opposite ones are parallel, and 2 the opposite angles are the same. Who am I?