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Reported speech present will and can

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They can solve difficult math problems easily.
He said (that) they could solve difficult math problems easily.
She can play the piano beautifully.
She said (that) she could play the piano beautifully.
I can speak Italian fluently.
She said (that) she could speak Italian fluently
I will travel to Europe next month.
He said (that) he would travel to Europe the next month.
I will finish my project by tomorrow
She said (that) she would finish her project the next day.
I will call you later.
He told me (that) he would call me later
They are watching a movie at the moment.
She said (that) they were watching a movie at that moment.
She is cooking dinner right now.
He said (that) she was cooking dinner at that moment
I am studying for my exams now.
He said (that) he was studying for his exams at that moment
I read books in my free time.
She said (that) she read books in her free time
She dances every Saturday night.
She said (that) she danced every night.
I work as a teacher.
She said (that) she worked as a teacher.