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Problem Solving

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Somebody is knocking on your door at home and you didn't know someone was coming over! How big is the problem and how can we try to fix it?
Uh oh, you fell down and scratched your knee! How big is the problem and how can we try to fix it?
Somebody else wants to go first in the game you are playing! How big is the problem and how can we try to fix it?
Uh oh, you walked away from your mommy at the store and can't find her! How big is the problem and how can we try to fix it?
Uh oh, there is a fire in your kitchen but no grown-up in there! How big is the problem and how can we try to fix it?
Uh, oh, your friend is trying to take away your toy while you play with it! How big is the problem and how can we try to fix it?
Uh oh, you spilled your milk! How big is the problem and how can we try to fix it?
Uh oh, you lost your favorite teddy bear! How big is the problem and how can we try to fix it?
Uh oh, your crayon broke! How big is the problem and how can we try to fix it?