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III Year Revision File 3
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Prepositions: The day after he arrived ____ NY, he spent a lot of money _____ clothes.
The day after he arrived IN NY, he spent a lot of money ON clothes.
Prepositions: I'm a bit worried _____ him. The police found a bag that belongs ____ him.
I'm a bit worried ABOUT him. The police found a bag that belongs TO him.
Plans: ______ you ________ (bring) a date to the wedding?
Are you going to bring a date to the wedding?
Plans: I _______ (get) a new job.
I'm going to get a new job.
Intentions: My family ________ (save) money to travel in the summer.
My family is going to save money...
Airports: What's the meaning of this sign?
Airports: What's the meaning of this sign?
Prepositions: My date asked _____ the most expensive dish and didn't pay _____ it.
My date asked FOR the most expensive dish and didn't pay FOR it.
Prepositions: I spoke _____ Darla and she invited me _____ her birthday party.
I spoke TO Darla and she invited me TO her birthday party.
Arrangement: ______ your parents _______ (come) for Christmas dinner?
Are your parents coming for Christmas dinner?
Arrangement: She __________ (not see) the doctor until next week.
She isn't seeing the doctor...
Arrangement: We __________ (drive) to Dover tomorrow morning.
We're driving to Dover...
Arrangement: I _________ (fly) to Vienna at 8p.m. tonight.
I'm flying to Vienna...
A prediction with: BREAK
You're going to break the tablet!
A prediction with: WIN
Scott is going to win the match
A prediction with: LOVE
You're going to love this book.