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Copyright Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The recipe for your aunt's yummy pecan pie CAN be copyrighted.
False (Recipes cannot be copyrighted)
You and your teacher can copy small parts of copyrighted text, pictures, and music if you are using it for school work, you don't make money off of it, and you cite your source.
True (This is Fair Use)
If the president makes a speech, a journalist has the legal go-ahead to quote the president without any repercussions.
True (News reporting is Fair Use)
A parody is a work that makes fun of another well-known work in a comic way. This is a Fair Use.
Fair use principles allow you to make a comment or critique a copyrighted work like a book review.
What does the THIRD symbol mean?
Non Commercial (you cannot sell the work)
What does the FIRST symbol mean?
Creative Commons
What symbol is this?
Fair Use
Other than Public Domain, are there other ways to copy someone else's work?
Yes (Fair Use and Creative Commons)
Taking your friend's homework and erasing their name and putting your's on it is _____
Copying your cousin's Ariana Grande CD is considered ____
Copyright Infringement
Taking a picture and its caption and putting it in your report is considered ___
Copyright infringement is illegal, but Plagiarism is not.
False (they are both illegal)
Copying someone's work and claiming you created it is called ____
Copying work illegally but not claiming it as your own original work is called ____
Copyright Infringement
The act of copying someone else's work without permission is called ________
Copyright Infringement
Copying and pasting exact words from a website without permission into your animal report for science is NOT OKAY.
True (That's Plagiarism)
Copying a poem by William Shakespeare written around the year 1610 to use in a report is OKAY.
True (anything that old is in the public domain)
If you find an image in the public domain you must get permission to use it.
False (Anything is the public domain is free to use without permission)
When a copyright expires it goes to the __________?
Public Domain
Copyright lasts a lifetime plus _______ years?
Copyright Laws are the same in every country.
False (Copyright laws vary from country to country)
Government publications CAN be copyrighted
False (Government publications cannot be copyrighted.)
The phrase "Live, Laugh, Love" can be copyrighted.
False (Titles and phrases cannot be copyrighted)
Computer Programs can be copyrighted.
Dances that have been performed CAN be copyrighted.
Sheet music CANNOT be copyrighted.
False (Sheet music can be copyrighted)
In order for your work to be copyrighted it MUST have the copyright symbol.
False (You don't have to have it, but it is a good idea to include it with the year and your name)
In the United States, the copyright protection was passed into law in what year?
Copyright Law only applies to published works.
False (Copyright Laws applies whether the work is published or not)
Even if you use your own words, you must give credit to the original authors.
True (The original authors own the copyright)