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Education facts

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In ..., all children go to single-sex schools, so girls and boys are educated separately only. a) Kazakhstan b) Iran c) Israel
In Japan, the average class soze in secondary school is ... students. a) 22 b) 33 c) 44
In the USA, over ... million children (3%) are home-schooled - educated at home. a) 1.5 b) 2.5 c) 3.5
Children in Finland don't start school until ther are ... a) six b) seven c) eight
On average, Russian teenagers do almost ... hours of homework a week. a) 8 b) 10 c) 12
In South ... , almost 60 percent of the population have to pay for primary and secondary education. a) Africa b) America c) Korea
The school day in South Korea is usually from 8 am till 4 pm. However, ... percent of students then go to a private study school between 6 pm and 9 pm a) 25 b) 55 c) 75
Typically, Chinese education places a lot of importance on learning things by heart. At 18, students are tested in a ... - hour final exam, the Gaokoa, on the facts they have learnt. a) three b) five c) nine