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Module 12

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the deposit amounts?
99.00 or less is $500.00 for $100.00 or more $1000.00
What pages do we create for the buyer?
Account page and Contact page
If a buyer does not pass the fico score or does not want to have a manual credit check what are other options?
The customer can opt for the deposit and if the customer does not want to make the deposit the customer can sent the SS at closing
After the TA has been signed by all parties, how many days will it take for the UCC-1 file to be lifted?
5 B-days
After the buyer qualifications what document will be sent, and what is the amount of days it will take for the document to be processed?
TA- it will be sent in 3-5B days.
What is the fee to expedite for refinancing?
What is the refinancing fee for CA customers?
What is the refinance fees for All customers except CA?
For how many days will the UCC1- File be lifted for Refinancing?
30- days and then it re-files.
Sunnova required a ______ days notice before beginning the refinancing process.
30 days notice
What documentations is required when a customer calls to report that the primary passed away
Death Certificate//// and Executor's Document
When will a POA be requested?