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Manifest Destiny and Oregon

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the state bird of Oregon?
Western Meadowlark
What is the nickname of Oregon? (Hint: The _______ state)
The beaver state is the nickname of Oregon
What is the biggest city of Oregon?
Portland is the biggest city of Oregon
What is the state abbreviation of Oregon?
Abbreviation of Oregon is OR
Which President has the initials J.K.P.?
James K. Polk
Which President has the initials J.T.?
John ("Jayson Tatum") Tyler
Which President has the initials M.V.B.?
Martin Van ("MVP") Buren
Which President has the initials W.H.H.?
William Henry Harrison
Which President has the initials Z.T.?
Zachary "Baked Ziti" Taylor
How many people lived in the Florida Territory in 1837? (Hint: Its not as much as New York City now)
What was the oregon country? (Hint: think about where oregon is located in the United States)
The northwest region of the United States which included Idaho, Washington, and Oregon
Who were mountain men?
Independent individuals who spent most of their time in the woods, forest/wilderness.
What does migrate mean?
Move from one place to another.