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Exam revision HOT34

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Something can be useful or ............
You can be responsible or ..........
A job can be easy or ...........
difficult / hard
You can be outdoors or ............
A job can be part-time or ..........
Who is in charge of planning parties and other events at a hotel?
The events manager
Who does your check-in and gives you the keys to your room at a hotel?
The receptionist
A job in which your life is at risk is...
dangerous / risky
................... (you / listen) to me right now?
Are you listening to me right now?
David usually ................ (play) videogames in his free time but he ..................... (read) a book now.
plays / is reading
Correct the sentence: William is choping wood.
Correct the sentence: Elise and Tom is working right now.
are working
Correct the sentence: Alice is driveing home.
Alex never crys / cries / cry in public.
James ................ (go) to the gym on Mondays.
Shut up! You ....... always .............. (talk)!
You are always talking!
Correct the sentence: She is doing the homework?
Is she doing the homework?
Correct the sentence: He eats usually cereal for breakfast.
He usually eats cereal for breakfast.
Can you rank the following adverbs from more frequent to least frequent? ALMOST NEVER / ALWAYS / NEVER / OFTEN / SOMETIMES / USUALLY
Always - Usually - Often - Sometimes - Almost never - Never
What is the auxiliary verb for present continuous?
be ( am / is / are)
What is the auxiliary verb for present simple?
do / does
What's the opposite of obedient?
Which of these is a positive quality? RELIABLE / DULL / UNTIDY
How is a person who doesn't work very hard called?
Which of these is a negative quality? TIDY / SCRUFFY / HELPFUL
What's the opposite of polite?
impolite or rude
How do you say "estressant" in English?
How do you say "exigent" in English?
How de you say "gratificant" in English?
What's the opposite of skilled?
What's the opposite of well-paid?
Who prepares cocktails and doesn't serve the customers on the tables?
The bartender
Who welcomes you at the door of a hotel?
The porter or doorman
Who cleans the hotel rooms?
The chambermaid
Who washes the dishes and does other minor tasks in the kitchen?
The kitchen porter
What is the difference between a cook and a chef?
A chef is the boss of the other cooks
What job requires you to be an expert on wine?
wine steward