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Billing Module 11

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What is the charge fee for SNH customers that enroll to paper bill?
$1.00 it will be included in the customer's monthly bill.
How to save the customer's recurring payment?
Billing contact- ACH payment methods- select the type of Account
Where can a customer self-serve to save autopay, or submit payments?
Customer portal
what option in the system page is used to collect: One-time electronic payments?
Customer Payments
What does it mean if the customer collection status is past due?
The customer has unpaid invoices.
What does it mean when a customer's collection status (Billing) is current?
The customer has paid all invoices. No past due days.
What is the fee for product change? Does SNH has this option?
$250.00, SNH cannot have a product change.
The change payment date are not an option for what customers?
Loan Customers, SNH
For customers that request Change payment date and a case is created, how long after the case was closed successfully should the customer expect the payment date to reflect?
1-2 Billing cycles
How to know if the customer has requested a payment extension before?
By checking: Billing Overrides or checking any open or closed Payment extension cases.
Customer can request payment extension atlease _____ days before the payment date. The Record type for the invoice should be________.
At least 3 days before the payment date and the record type needs to be active.
For payment extensions, for how many days can a customer extend their payment date? Can this be done multiple times throughout the contract term?
The payment extension can be extended for up to 10 days and this is a one time courtesy.
If a customer wants you to re-send their invoices, the record type most be?
Where in the system page can we see the breakdown of the customer's invoices?
Service Periods
The invoice will be sent to the customer______ before the payment date.
3 Business days
In what page can we see the Billing details of the customer?
System page