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Breakfast Club

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a another name for a B&B?
Bed and breakfast
Name this cereal?
Honey Puffs
Name This Film?
The breakfast club
What cereal is this?
Bran Flakes
What is this?
Name 3 ways in which you can have your eggs?
scrambled, poached, fried, boiled, omelette
What is this?
What cereal box are these characters on?
Rice Crispy
What French breakfast item do you see?
What is said to be the most important meal of the day?
What American Style Breakfast is this?
Pancakes with bacon and syrup
Name one of the UK's favourite breakfasts
Full English, porridge, cereal or toast
What can you have black or white?
What can you have fried or boiled?
What 2 hot drinks are often had at breakfast
tea and coffee
What is this breakfast drink?
Orange juice
What is paddington bears favourite food?
Name 3 things in a classic full english breakfast
sausages, bacon, eggs, tomato, beans, toast, black pudding, mushrooms
What film is this from?
Breakfast at tiffany's
What Brand of cereal is this?
Frosted Flakes
What is this Breakfast called?
Full english
What is H2O?
What Brand of Cereal is this?
Coco pops