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African Country Trivia

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What African country was Freddie Mercury (Queen) born in? South Africa / Tanzania / Zimbabwe
What Real Madrid player was born in Angola?
Eduardo Celmi Camavinga
Name one of the "big five" animals that you could see in Kenya.
Lion / Leopard / Elephant / Rhinoceros / Buffalo
How many rivers are there in Mozambique? 30 / 18 / 25
What is the population of Ethiopia? 400 million / 126 million / 98 million
126 million
What is the main export of Libya? Gold / Iron / Petroleum
What is a common food in Ethiopia? Injera / Piri Piri Chicken / Couscous
What currency is used in the Democratic Republic of Congo? Congolese Shilling / Congolese Franc / Zaire
Congolese Franc
What is the capital city of Niger? Zinder / Dossa / Niamey
What country is the Al Hilal Stadium located in? Nigeria / Sudan / Morocco
How many languages are spoken in Cameroon? 100+ / 250+ / 800+
Who is the current president of Madagascar? Christian Ntsay / Andry Rajoelina / Albert Zafy
Andry Rajoelina
What was the population of Sudan in 2023? 45 million / 46 million / 48 million
48 million people
What language is spoken by the greatest amount of people in Angola? Umbundu / Portuguese / Kikongo
How do you say "Good Morning" in Arabic? Ahlan / Sabah al-khair / Kurat alqadam
Sabah al-khair
Name one country that borders Morocco.
Western Sahara / Spain /Algeria
Where is the world's deepest river located? Chad/Democratic Republic of Congo/Tanzania
Democratic Republic of Congo
Which country is the birthplace of coffee? Ethiopia/Kenya/Rwanda
What is the youngest country on Earth? Gabon/Eritrea/South Sudan
South Sudan
Where is the longest coastline in Africa? South Africa/Somalia/Nigeria