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Enough and Too

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This house is ___ expensive for us.( too / enough)
You aren't tall ___ to play basketball. ( enough / too )
Have you bought ___ rice.( too / enough)
The cat wasn't fast ___ to catch the mouse. (too / enough)
I don't feel very well. I've eaten __________ much. ( too / enough)
There weren't ( enough people/ too people) to play a match, so everybody went home.
enough people
If she doesn't get __________ sleep, she's bad tempered all day. ( too / enough)
She's __________ to go to discos. ( too young / enough young)
too young
Don't worry. We still have __________ time to get there before it closes. ( enough / too )
He isn't ....... to go back to work yet ( well enough / too well )
well enough
I put a scarf on because it was ....... ( cold enough / too cold )
too cold
I didn't know him ......., but I was still upset when he died. (A. too well / B. good enough )
too well
He didn't do ........ to pass the exam. (A. too much work / B. enough work )
enough work
There wasn't ....... for everybody to get in. ( A. enough room / B. too much room )
enough room
I haven't got ....... to take a holiday this year. ( A. too much time / B. enough time )
enough time
I didn't get it because it was ....... ( A. too expensive / B. expensive enough )
too expensive
They haven't got .......... to buy it ( enough money / too much money)
enough money
She isn't ....... to start driving until next year ( too old / old enough)
old enough
This room isn't ........ for all the guests; we'll have to get a bigger one ( big enough / too big )
big enough
She can't sleep because she drinks ......... coffee ( enough / too much)
too much
The shoes were ..... so I didn't buy them. ( small)
too small
I didn't buy the jacket because it was ........ ( big)
too big
The coffee was .... to drink so I left it for a minute to cool. ( hot )
too hot
There were ....... many questions to answer so I only did three. ( too / enough )