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Music review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which is a music staff?
Five lines and four spaces where music is written
How sounds can be?
Low or high/ long or short/ loud or soft
How do you call "flat" in Spanish?
How do you call "sharp" in Spanish?
What is the name of this musical symbol?
What is the name of this musical symbol?
What are the parts of eighth note called?
Note head, stem and flag
How long is a triplet in music?
A “triplet” is one beat
What is this called?
How do you call this symbol in English and in Spanish?
Tie / Ligadura
How do you call "negra" in british English?
Crotchet note
How many beats lasts this group of tied notes?
1 and a half beats / 1/2 beats
How many beats lasts a dotted quarter note?
1 and a half beats / 1/2 beats
Count the beats to solve the substraction equation
2 beats
How many beats lasts a dotted whole note?
6 beats
Write the time signature
4/4 time
What are the spaces of the treble staff in order from lowest to highest?
What are the small lines that extend above or below the staff called?
Ledger lines
What is the name of this musical symbol?
Treble Clef
What is the other name for the treble clef?
G Clef
What are the lines of the treble staff in order from lowest to highest?
How many lines are on a music staff?
5 lines
How many spaces are on a staff?
4 spaces
How many beats are there?
4 beats
How many beats lasts this group of tied notes?
6 beats
Guess the time signature
3/4 time
Guess the time signature
2/4 time
Name the Note and how many beat?
Whole note, 4 beats
What is the name of this note?
Eighth Note
What is the name of this note?
One 8th Note Followed by Two 16th Notes
What is this called?
Music staff
What is this called?
Double bar line
How many beats does this rest get?
4 beats of silence
What is this called?
Bar line
What is this music symbol?
Repeat sign
What is the name of this rest?
Quarter rest
Name the Note and how many beat?
Half note, 2 beats
How many beats lasts a dotted half note?
3 beats
How do you call this symbol in English and in Spanish?
Dot / Puntillo