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Water Cycle

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or False? Most of the water is found in gaseous form
False, in Liquid form
This part of water cycle refers to the collection of water into streams, lakes, seas, and oceans
What is precipitation?
When the clouds release water in form of rain, hail, and snow
This part of water cycle refers to the cooling and collecting of vapor into clouds
What is evaporation?
the conversion of water from liquid to gas
What part of water cycle is referred to the sweating of plants?
What is transpiration?
The evaporation of water from the plants
True or false? Water cannot be recycled?
How much of Earth's water is found in the oceans? A) 97%, B) 85% C) 2%
A) 97%
What do we call the process of recycling our water?
Water cycle
What are the three states of water
Solid, Liquid, and Gas
What is the tool that we use to measure humidity?
What is humidity?
the amount of water in the air