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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Artur's lawn mower / be on a blink / in the least appropriate moments.
Artur's lawn mower is being on a blink in the least appropriate moments.
The teacher of Kamil's kid / call him for a carpeting / weekly.
The teacher of Kamil's kid is calling him for a carpeting weekly.
Artur's child / continuously / undermine his authority
Artur's child is continuously undermining his authority.
Our boss / stutter / annoyingly / at each meeting
Our boss is stuttering annoyingly at each meeting.
Artur's wife / endlessly / houseclean.
Artur's wife is endlessly housecleaning.
Kamil's wife / constantly / shop till she drops.
Kamil's wife is constantly shopping till she drops.
Artur / day by day / give his kids the gaff.
Artur is day by day giving his kids the gaff.
Kamil / piss around / each day.
Kamil is pissing around each day.
Artur / all the time / mousetrap / our supervisor.
Artur is all the time mousetrapping our supervisor.
Kamil / always / bug / his wife.
Kamil is always bugging his wife.