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B2.3 Unit 2 - Keep up the good work

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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To undermine or weaken the confidence, spirit, or morale of someone or a group, often through discouragement or disillusionment.
Extremely boring, monotonous, or tedious to the point of causing mental numbness or fatigue.
Relating to the routine activities or tasks that are typically carried out on a daily basis.
Lacking excitement or interest; ordinary, dull, or commonplace.
boost morale/morale boost
To improve the overall mood, motivation, or confidence within a group or organization.
To incorporate elements of games, such as competition, challenges, or rewards, into non-game contexts to enhance engagement or motivation.
To provide motivation or encouragement for someone to do something by offering incentives or rewards.
To encourage the development or growth of something, such as a skill, relationship, or quality.
Feeling keen or enthusiastic about something; having a strong desire or interest.
jump at
To eagerly seize or take advantage of an opportunity or offer.
attainable goals
Objectives or targets that are feasible or within reach, allowing for realistic achievement.
To recognize or show appreciation for something or someone's efforts, achievements, or existence.
To give someone the authority, confidence, or control to do something; to enable or strengthen an individual or group.
work-life balance
The equilibrium between one's professional responsibilities or career and their personal life, ensuring that neither overshadows the other.