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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Chapter 4- What happened when Roy went to Dana's house?
Dana and his mother started fighting over the apology letter.
Chapter 4- What did Roy do as regards Beatrice Leep?
He went to talk to her.
Chapter 4- What happened while officer Delinko was sleeping?
The windows of his car got all sprayed with black paint.
Chapter 4- What did officer Delinko see standing on the survey stakes?
burrowing owls
Chapter 4- Why did officer Delinko join the police department?
He wanted to solve crimes and arrest criminals.
Chapter 4- Who is Beatrice Leep?
She is major soccer jock.
Chapter 4- Everyone at school thought that Roy was tough... but what did Roy want?
He wanted to blend quietly, to go unnoticed.
Chapter 3- What is officer Delinko going to do after the events at the site?
Patrol Mother Paula construction site early in the morning.
Chapter 3- What did the police captain want?
A quiet retirement
Chapter 3- What does Roy have on the walls of his bedroom?
Poster of rodeo, flyer Yellowstone National Park
Chapter 3- What "super power" does Roy's father have?
Supernatural memory
Chapter 3- What is Roy's father's job?
Chapter 3 -What did Curly ask officer Delinko to do?
extra patrols
Chapter 3- What happened this time at the construction site?
tires, alligators