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Middle East Unit 2 (History) Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are 3 effects of how the Jews were treated particularly in Europe before the end of WWII?
Zionism, Anti-Semitism, and Holocaust
The creation of Israel caused a lot of conflict. What are the 2 reasons that it had to be that specific region in the Middle East?
ZIonism and the Jewish connection to the land
What is the United States' main ECONOMIC interest in Southwest Asia?
A United Nations inspection team was in Iraq from 1991 to 1998, with the purpose of finding and destroying what?
WMDs (weapons of mass destruction)
In what year did terrorists hijack airplanes and attack the World Trade Center and the Pentagon?
What was the name of the presidents during both wars with Iraq?
George Bush
Who was the ruler of Iraq during the Persian Gulf conflict and Operation Iraqi Freedom?
Saddam Hussein
Why did we invade Iraq in 2003?
We thought Saddam Hussein had WMDs and he didn't comply with the restrictions from the Persian Gulf War
Why did we invade Afghanistan?
Why was the Persian Gulf fought?
Iraq invaded Kuwait
The Taliban was suspected of aiding the terrorist group, al-Qaeda, and harboring the Wanted fugitive, Osama bin Laden, in which country?
Which country invaded Kuwait in 1990 in order to take control of Kuwait's oil fields?
Which Arab countries were consulted in partitioning the Ottoman Empire after World War I?
None of them
Which two religious groups are continually fighting for power in several Middle Eastern countries like Iraq and Syria?
Sunni and Shia Muslims
What does the word partition mean?
divide, seperate
After WWI, which European country gained the better countries in the Middle East?
Great Britain
What was Southwest Asia called prior to World War I?
The Ottoman Empire
How did the Jews feel about the creation of Israel?
happy, relieved, excited, thankful
How did the Palestinian Arabs feel about the creation of Israel?
mad,angry,upset, depressed, resentful
The systematic, state-supported killing of approximately 11 million people (including at least 6 million Jews) is known as ________________.
Antisemitism spread throughout Europe after the rise of which political party?
Israel was created on May 14th of what year?
What is Zionism?
The movement of Jews to return to their homeland
What is antisemitism?
prejudice/hatred of the Jews
Which two groups are involved in conflicts over land in Israel?
Arabs (Palestinians) and Jews (Israelis)
Which country ruled over Palestine after World War I?
Great Britain