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Vertebrates and Invertebrates

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True or False: Mammals lay eggs.
False. Mammals are viviparous.
True or False: Echinoderms live on land.
False. Echinoderms live in the water.
Is it a vertebrate or invertebrate? (which group?)
invertebrate - molluscs
Is it a vertebrate or invertebrate? (which group?)
vertebrate - mammals
Is it a vertebrate or invertebrate? (which group?)
vertebrate - reptiles
Is it a vertebrate or invertebrate? (which group?)
invertebrate - arthropods
The bodies of worms are divided into _________.
The _______ of cnidarians are long, flexible, and sometimes sting
True or False: All vertebrates live on land.
False. Fishes and some mammals and reptiles can live also in water.
These type of invertebrates live in land or in water, are covered with armour plates, have different number of legs, and sometimes can fly.
These animals live in land or in water, have their internal organs protected by a mantle, and sometimes have shell and foot to help them move. ex. snail
This invertebrate group can live in land and in water and have bodies divided into rings.
This invertebrate group have bodies covered in armour plate, have spines, and often shaped like a star or ball.
This invertebrate group live in water and have tentacles that sometimes sting!
This group of vertebrates are land animals but live close to water, have thin skin, and oviparous.
This group of vertebrates live in land or in water, have four or no legs at all, mostly covered in scales, and oviparous.
This group of vertebrates have feathers and wings, and are oviparous.
This group of vertebrates have fins and their bodies are covered in scales.
Where do mammals live?
in land or water
What are the invertebrates?
animals that have no backbone and an internal bone skeleton.
What are the vertebrates?
animals that have backbone, an internal bone skeleton, skull, and trunk.