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21st Century Literature

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True or False... All stories have the same structure.
Genre of fiction that deals with the solution of a crime.
True of False, Between fiction and non-fiction, non-fiction has more genres.
True or False... There are 2 division of genres, the "fiction" and "Non-fiction".
Author of "The Mats"
Francisco Arcellana
Author of Bread of Salt
a Filipino writer and journalist best known for his short stories and novels in the English language
Nick Joaquin
the perspective from which the story is told
the underlying message, idea, or insight that the story conveys
the central problem or tension that drives the narrative forward
the sequence of events that make up the storyline
the time and place in which the story unfolds
the individuals or entities that drive the story forward.
traditional stories that are based on real events or characters but often include elements of exaggeration or myth.
short narratives, often featuring animals or inanimate objects as characters, that convey moral lessons or teachings
_________ are short pieces of non-fiction writing that explore a specific topic, idea, or argument.
________ are brief works of fiction that typically focus on a single event, character, or theme.
________ are brief works of fiction that typically focus on a single event, character, or theme.
Short stories
_______ are long-form fictional prose narratives.
(FICTION, NON-FICTION) refers to literature that is created from the imagination of the author rather than being based strictly on facts or reality.