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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do we call a diagram that shows how energy flows from one organism to another?
Food Chain or Food Web
On which day of the week does Election Day always fall?
Where did Count Dracula live?
Xylem tubes carry _________ to all parts of the plant.
Phloem tubes carry _____ to all parts of the plant?
What is the name of the structure in a plant cell that captures the sunlight and is filled with the green pigment?
What is the name of the green pigment in leaves that captures sunlight?
What is it called when a plant produces its own food?
Which state of matter has particles that slide back and forth?
What are the three states of matter?
Solid, Liquid, Gas
Is the Giant Panda native to Australia, China or India?
The Tin Man wanted a heart from the Wizard of Oz. What did the lion want?
Have I ever been on any other team (besides Green) at NEMS?
Name one of my pets
Baxter, Flora, Cinder, Bromley
What gives energy to all life on Earth?
The sun
What gas is needed to START photosynthesis?
Carbon Dioxide
What are the two byproducts made during photosynthesis?
Sugar/Food/Glucose and Oxygen
Where (SPECIFICALLY) are the stomata located on a plant?
on the UNDERSIDE of the leaf
What are the three ingredients needed for photosynthesis
Carbon Dioxide, Sunshine and Water
Where is water absorbed in a plant?