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Short passage comprehension

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sarah's favorite food is ice cream. She loves to go to the restaurant next to her house and get 2 scoops of strawberry. What kind of ice cream does Sarah buy?
Duke always misses his owner when she goes to work. He wishes she would stay home with him all day. Who does Duke miss?
his owner
Olaf loves laying out in the sun. When he's done, he's going to go visit his friend Elsa. Who is Olaf going to visit?
Brody's favorite season is summer. He loves to float around in his pool all day. What is Brody's favorite season?
Woody needed a ride from his dog to the pizza restaurant. He would need to walk there instead because his dog was too tired. Where did Woody want to go?
the pizza restaurant
Stuart's favorite toy is his stuffed unicorn. He is so upset because he brought it to his aunt's house and forgot it there! Where is Stuart's stuffed unicorn?
His aunt's house
Sally felt her stomach grumble. She called Pizza Hut and order a large pepperoni pizza. Who did Sally call?
Pizza Hut
Bob and Patrick play soccer. They are so happy today because they won their first game! What sport do they play?
It was Joe's birthday today! He was so excited to celebrate at the playground with his friends. Where was Joe going to celebrate?
At the playground