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Modals ability,permission and advice
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Should individuals prioritize saving money for the futureor is it more important to enjoy life in the present? What factors would you consider when giving this advice?
Would you recommend setting short-term or long-term goals for personal development? What are the advantages of each approach?
Could you advise someone on how to handle a difficult conversation with a friend or family member? What strategies would you suggest?
Should parents allow their children to make their own decisions even if they might make mistakes? How can parents strike a balance between guidance and independence?
Would you recommend learning a new skill or hobby as a way to reduce stress and improve mental well-being? Why or why not?
Could you offer some advice to someone who is struggling to balance their work and personal life? How could they achieve a better equilibrium?
Should students be encouraged to study abroad during their college years? What benefits do you think they could gain from such an experience?
Would you advise someone to pursue a career they loveeven if it means taking a lower salary? Why or why not?
Could you provide some advice to a friend who is nervous about giving a presentation in front of a large audience? How could they prepare effectively?
Should you offer some advice to someone who wants to improve their time management skills? What suggestions would you give them?
Can you imagine a world where everyone could do whatever they wanted without seeking permission? How do you think society would function in such a scenario?
May you discuss a time when you felt uncomfortable asking for permission? What made the situation challenging for you?
Could you describe a situation where you had to decide whether to follow the rules or ask for forgiveness later? What did you choose and why?
Can you think of a time when you were granted special permission to do something at school or work? What was the reason for the exception?
May you talk about a rule or law that you believe should be changed to allow people more freedom? Why do you think this change is necessary?
Could you give an example of a time when you had to seek permission to use someone else's belongings? How did you approach the situation?
Can you discuss a cultural difference in permissions between your country and another? How do people typically ask for permission in each culture?
May you recall a time when you were denied permission to participate in an event or activity? How did you react to the situation?
Could you share a time when you were given permission to stay out late? How did you feel and what did you do with that freedom?
Can you describe a situation where you had to ask for permission to do something important? How did you ask and what was the response?
Could you describe a goal or achievement you're currently working towards? What steps are you taking to be able to accomplish it?
Can you think of a time when you wished you had been able to do something but couldn't? What was it and why couldn't you do it?
Could you discuss a time when you were able to help someone by using a particular skill or ability you possess?
Can you share a story about someone who overcame a physical or mental challenge to achieve something remarkable?
Have you ever experienced a situation where you couldn't solve a problem initially but were able to figure it out later? What was it?
Could you give an example of a task or activity that you find challenging but have been able to improve at over time?
Could you play any musical instruments when you were a child? If yes which ones? If notwhich instrument would you have liked to learn? which ones? If not which instrument would you have liked to learn?
Can you describe a skill or ability you have now that you couldn't do when you were younger?