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Feudalism in Western Europe

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What was the Crusades about and was it successful?
Christians wanted to take back the holy land of Jerusalem. Not successful
How did the Crusades change Europe?
Church lost power, kings gained power, rise of middle class, money economy
What is one negative that came out of the Crusades?
Spread of disease. Failed to take back the holy land.
What is one positive thing that came out of the Crusades?
Trade, increase in knowledge/education
What is one evidence that shows us that the Catholic Church was very powerful?
Owned 1/3 of land, picked the kings, controlled secular & nonsecular aspects, at top of social hierarchy
What does self-sufficient mean?
Runs by itself without to have basic needs met, without outside help or trade
If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
What does decentralized mean?
the power is not in the hands of a single ruler
Favorite holiday and why?
Why did Pope Urban II decide to join in on the Crusade?
Gain power, take back holy land
Give me one positive thing
What is one reason for the fall of Rome?
Invasions, corruption, split the empire
Decentralized Government system set up in Western Europe in which kings divided up their land and gave it to vassals, the vassals pledged their loyalty.
Economic system of western Europe in which lords gave land and protection to serfs in exchange for labor
What is one good thing the church did for the people of western Europe?
Give alms (gave money to poor, ran orphanages, caretaker of the soul
What equaled power in feudalism?
A large estate which includes farmland and villages
Land granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and service
Who fought in the Crusades?
These people worked the lords land and could not leave
Were given land by the lord and pledged their loyalty in return
A ruler or a powerful landholder that others pledged loyalty to
In what year did the Roman Empire Fall?
476 C.E.