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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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____ _____ sloths are left? Only 1,500 sloths are still left in the wild.
How many
She likes fantasy books. _________ books does she like?
Scorpions hunt at night. ________ do scorpions hunt?
Crickets are strange because they have got wings, but they can’t fly. ____ are crickets strange?
_____ _____ wings do they have? Crickets have got four wings.
How many
______ ________ can crickets jump? 90 cm.
How far
______ ______ is the biggest scorpion?
How big
_____ ______ sisters have you got?
How many
_________ do spiders live? They live all over the world.
How long/How far do adult lions live?
How long
Where/What do dragonflies live?