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A2 Question formation
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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When/find? (past)
When did she find it?
Where is it hiding? Where is it hidden?
What/ the secret?
What is the secret?
What/teens studying?
What are the teens studying?
How many desks?
How many desks are there (in the classroom?)
this lesson easy/difficult?
Is her lesson easy or difficult?
Who/often call
Who often calls him? /  Who does he often call?
How many messages/send each day
How many messages does he send each day?
What/going to do next
What is he going to do next?
Where/find (past,he)
Where did he find it?
What/made of
What is it made of?
What/see from/balcony
What can you see from the balcony?
How many rooms?
How many rooms does it have? / How many rooms has it got?
What's the name of the hospital? / What's the hospital's name?
What / buy (past)
What did he buy?
What / do (past)
What did she do? / What was she doing?
How long / on holiday? (past)
How long were you on holiday?
Who /  on holiday with? (past)
Who did they go with?
Where / go on holiday?
Where did they go (on holiday)?
When / finish / book (past)
When did he finish his/the book?
Who / best friend?
Who is your best friend?
What / called
What is it called?
(his pet) Kind of animal
What kind of animal is his pet?
Like / eat
What does he like to eat?
long / short hair
Does she have long or short hair? / Has she got long or short hair?
What / hobby
What is his hobby?
What / your favourite subject
What's your favourite subject?
What / magazine about?
What is the magazine about?
name / magazine
What's the name of the magazine? / What's the magazine's name?
How old / he
How old is the dog?
Interesting? (Yes/No question)
Is it interesting?
Who lives / bat cave
Who lives in the bat cave?
Where / bat cave?
Where's the bat cave?