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Nous sommes 1.2

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He wants in French.
Il veut
Il regarde une vidéo de Youtube means...
He is watching a Youtube video.
Elle chante means
She sings, is singing
Bob lui dit means...
Bob says to him/her/it
sympathique means....
Answer in French: Comment t'appelles-tu?
Je m'appelle...
In French, say one sentence describing something you are not.
Answer varies.
In French, say one sentence describing une personne célèbre.
Answer varies.
In French, say one sentence describing yourself.
Answer varies.
Describe the character in French.
Il est méchant.
I am one of the French words meaning unpleasant.
I am the English word for "sympathique".
I am in the English word for "gentil/gentille".
In French, describe the person in the picture.
Il est sportif.
The French word for fast
Answer in French: Quel âge as-tu?
J'ai douze ans.
Quel âge as-tu? English meaning
How old are you?
What is the French word for the item in the picture?
C'est une école.
Le raseteur veut...le ruban rouge.
Tu es un étudiant, un élève ou un professeur?
Je suis étudiant/élève.
Rainbow dit à son professeur, "Ninja est un..."
Describe the character you see in French.
Il est mignon, énergique, etc.
Translate into English: Le raseteur veut le ruban rouge.
The bull fighter wants the red ribbon.
C'est quel animal?
C'est un taureau.
What is the French word for the person seen here:
un raseteur/le raseteur
Qui means...
Make this negative: Elle court.
Elle ne court pas.
Describe this in French.
Elle marche.
Describe this in French.
Il court.
Answer in French based on the picture: Comment s'appelle-t-elle?
Elle s'appelle Sza.
Answer in French based on the picture: Comment s'appelle-t-il?
Il s'appelle Donald le Canard (duck).
Answer in French: Comment t'appelles-tu?
Je m'appelle...
He sees in French.
Il voit
Voici une fille means...
Here is a girl