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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your brother eats your last favorite snack that you were saving. What can you tell them?
Please leave one for me next time
A friend beats you at a soccer game and you feel upset for not winning. What can you say instead?
Good game!
Your neighbor tells your parents you broke their window with a baseball, but it's not true. How can you defend yourself?
Tell your parents what you were doing instead
You see a classmate bother your friend but tells a teacher that your friend started it. How can you defend your friend?
Politely tell your teacher what you saw
Your parents ground you for something you did not do. How can you explain you did nothing wrong?
Tell the truth in a respectful way
Someone on the bus takes your backpack by mistake. How can you ask for it back nicely?
Approach them kindly and without yelling
A classmate is passing notes in class but the teacher finds it. They blame it on you, how can you say it's not your fault?
Say it isn't yours calmly
Your brother or sister is annoying you, so you yell at them to quiet down. What can you say or do instead of yelling?
Ask them nicely to give you personal space
Security thinks you tried to take something from the store without paying. What can you do?
Follow instructions respectfully and ask to call your parents to come help you
A classmate cuts in front of you at the cafeteria line. The person in front of you yells at them to go to the back of the line. What can you say instead?
Show them where the back of the line is