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Present Continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The magic pencil _________ (write) something.
The magic pencil is writing something. It is writing something.
The elephant is _________ (sleep).
The elephant is sleeping. It is sleeping.
Amaia and Gael are _________ (sit) on the sofa.
Amaia and Gael are sitting on the sofa. They are sitting on the sofa.
Amaia is _________ (walk) very slow.
Amaia is walking very slow. She is walking very slow.
Gael is _________ (run) very fast!
Gael is running very fast! He is running very fast!
We are _________ (fly)
We are flying.
They are _________ (climb) a tall tree.
They are climbing a tall tree.
We are _________ (jump) very high!
We are jumping very high!
It is _________ (drink) water from the lake.
It is drinking water from the lake.
She is _________ (dance) on the big bed.
She is dancing on the bed.
He is _________ (play) football in the park.
He is playing football in the park.
You are _________ (be) kind.
You are being kind.
I am _________ (speak) in English.
I am speaking in English.
They are _________ (go) to the beach.
They are going to the beach.
We are _________ (respect) the teacher.
We are respecting the teacher.
It is _________ (eat) a yummy pizza.
It is eating pizza.
She is _________ (say) 'please' and 'thank you'.
She is saying 'please' and 'thank you'
He is _________ (read) a book in the living room.
He is reading a book in the living room.
You are _________ (listen) in class.
You are listening in class.
I am _________ (save) money for a PS5.
I am saving money for a PS5.