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S4B Unit 7 Vocab & Grammar

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I ______________(kick) my mom. If I had, I would be dead.
couldn't have kicked
These ruins ________________ (be) an apartment building. It's much older than that.
couldn't have been
That ________ (be) the new teacher! He's too tall to be a student.
must be
Vocab: To write something down so that it can be used or seen again in the future. (verb)
Vocab: Something written down so that it can be used or seen again in the future. (noun)
A building for religious practice (noun).
Vocab: A group of people that includes many families and relatives who have the same language, customs, and beliefs
Vocab: A building that is mostly destroyed, but still has some parts left.
Vocab: Something valuable (such as money, jewels, gold, or silver) that is hidden or kept in a safe place
Vocab: A figure of a person or animal that is made from stone, metal, etc.
Vocab: A group of people who enter a country by force in order to overtake it
Vocab: The level of development at which people live together peacefully in communities. (noun)
Vocab: The belief in a god or in a group of gods. (noun)
Vocab: When something remains a secret, unknown, or unexplained (adj).
I can see a religious statue. I'm sure! This building ________(be) a church.
must have been
I can't remember what I ate last night. I ____________(eat) durian because my breathe smells terrible today.
might/could have eaten
Oh, here's a photo of a puppy. It _____________(belong) to Laura. She just got a puppy.
must belong
I have no idea whose pencil this is. It ___________(be) Tommy's.
might be
No, it _______________(be) a temple because there's one right next to it.
couldn't have been
I don't know. It ____________(be) a temple. What do you think?
might have been