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Valentine's Day Vocab

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the hedgehog holding?
The hedgehog is holding a balloon!
What is the hedgehog doing?
The hedgehog is jumping on the bed!
What is the hedgehog doing?
The hedgehog is going in the sock!
What is the hedgehog doing?
The hedgehog is running quickly!
Where is the hedgehog?
The hedgehog is at the beach!
What is the hedgehog doing?
The hedgehog is eating pizza!
What is the hedgehog doing?
The hedgehog is floating in the water!
What is the hedgehog doing?
The hedgehog is yawning!
What is she doing?
She is writing a valentine card!
What shape is the pizza?
It is a heart shape!
What is she doing?
She is cutting the cake!
What is the kid doing?
The kid is hugging the cow!
What are the horses doing?
They are kissing!
What is the turkey doing?
The turkey is dancing!
What is she doing?
She is drawing a heart!
What is in the mailbox?
It is a Valentine Card!
What is she doing?
She is eating chocolates!
What are these?
These are flowers!
What are these?
These are chocolates!
What do you see?
I see hearts!