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Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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True or False: UDHR was drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world.
True or False: UDHR was drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world.
Article 16 is about...
Right to Marriage and Family
Freedom from Discrimination is from which Article?
According to OHCHR, which human rights violations were committed in Uzbekistan in 2020?
torture and ill-treatment of convicts and detainees
In which city is OHCHR's office (The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR))in Central Asia located?
For 2018 , OHCHR has 12 regional offices. In Central Asia, the OHCHR office is located in Kyrgyzstan in the city of Bishkek.
Where and when was the World Declaration of Human Rights, which was first called the International Bill of Rights, proclaimed?
Paris, December 10, 1948
The freedoms that all people should have
Human Rights
What is the name of the document that lists the 30 human rights?
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights / UDHR
As the chair of the United Nations Human Rights Commission, Eleanor Roosevelt was the driving force in creating The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. TRUE or FALSE
True - Under Mrs. Roosevelt’s dynamic chairmanship, in 1948 the UN Human Rights Commission drafted what became adopted by the UN and known today as The UDHR
What world situation preceded and led to the creation and establishment of the United Nations:
World War II
An international organization founded in 1945 to promote world peace and prevent future wars
The United Nations or UN
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was founded in ______ (year)
Human rights are "indivisible". What does that mean?
All human rights are of equal importance (not a hierarchy)
The idea that something applies to all people, regardless of their race, background, gender etc.
Universalism/ Being universal
It something cannot be taken away it is
Universal means...
world wide
What is article 1 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights about?
Right to equality
Which article explains that everyone should be free from slavery?
Which article explains that everyone has a right to an education?
After which was was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights created?
World War II (2)
Which organization was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights created under?
The United Nations
True or False: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights are world wide laws.
Which former first lady was on the committee that created the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
Eleanor Roosevelt
How many rights are in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?