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Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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What is John Locke's belief on human rights?
There are natural rights in the world that are given by God and is the core of human existence
Define "universalism"
The idea that something applies to all people, regardless of their race, background, gender etc. 
COP26 is most likely safeguarding which generation of human rights?
Third generation rights: community / society-based (environment)
What would critics like say about second generation rights?
Some countries might lack the resources to provide these rights to their citizens
True or false (+explain): UDHR includes all three generations of human rights
False: does not include third generation human rights as it focuses on individuals and not communities
Copyright is considered which generation of rights?
Second generation rights
Adequate rest and leisure is considered which generation of rights?
Second generation rights
Provide 1 example of third generation human rights.
E.g. right to self determination, right to development
Provide 2 examples of negative rights.
E.g. Freedom from torture, Freedom of thought
Provide 2 examples of positive rights.
E.g. Free education up to certain level, Right to adequate standard of living
What are third generation human rights?
community-based rights concerning whole communities or societies.
What are second generation human rights?
Economic, social and cultural rights focused on ensuring equality
What are first generation human rights?
Civil and political rights focused on ensuring liberty
Human rights are "indivisible". What does that mean?
All human rights are of equal importance (not a hierarchy)
True or false (+explain): The idea of human rights first came about when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was established.
False - established earlier on, with the modern idea of human rights perhaps based in modern Europe with the idea of "natural rights"
Human rights are "inalienable". What does that mean?
Human rights cannot be taken away by others
What are natural rights?
they were thought to be God-given and therefore to be part of the very core of human nature (basic conditions for a human existence)
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was founded in ______ (year)