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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where is the key to access the locked bathroom
charge RN drawer
Where is the wet floor sign
boiler room
Where is the L&I legal poster location
supply room and outside kitchen
Which high level disinfectant do we use
rapicide PA
Which surface disinfectants do we use? How long until they work?
caviwipes, sanicloth (purple), bleach; 2 minutes, 2 minutes, until dry
Who is the infection control coordinator
Bill Michael
Where do you go to during an earthquake
grassy area by parking garage
Where are the gas shut offs
behind admit desk, by crash cart, tank room
Where are the fire alarms
entrance/exits of building
How many fire alarms are there
Are fire extinguishers for employee use
Where are the fire extinguishers
admit, scope room, back door, near Shehzadi's office, kitchen
How many fire extinguishers do we have
How do you page overhead for emergencies
*84 then 70428, statement x3 (for example: "code red procedure room 1" x3)
Where are the emergency policies located
Stacy's office and the OSHA binder
Where are the emergency phone numbers
every phone and charge desk
Where is the nearest hospital
Where are the AEDs located
crash cart and clinic bullpin
How many AEDs do we have
Where are the first aid kits located
scrub closet, disaster kits
How many first aid kits do we have
Where are the disaster kits located
Stacy's office and the kitchen
How many disaster kits do we have
Where are the oral airways located
every respiratory kit (each procedure room and recovery) and the crash cart
Where are the ambu bags located
every procedure room, every recovery bay, recovery cabinet, admit, crash cart, clean utility
Where are the eyewash stations
scope room and admit
How many eye wash stations do we have
Where are the spill kits located
scope room
Where is the MSDS/SDS manual located
Admit desk/Stacy's office
Where is the OSHA manual located
recovery desk
Who is our OSHA/safety officer
Stacy Gordon