Edit Game
Review Grade 7 - 2024

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Create 3 sentences to describe the picture. Use there is/there are:
Create 3 sentences to describe the picture. Use there is/there are:
Create 3 sentences to describe the picture. Use there is/there are:
What does the Princess do every day? Use a complete answer.
What does the Princess do every day? Use a complete answer.
What does the Princess do every day? Use a complete answer.
What does the Princess do every day? Use a complete answer.
What is the boy doing? Say a complete answer.
What is he doing? Say a complete answer.
What is he doing? Say a complete answer.
What are they doing? Say a complete answer.
What is the girl doing? Say a complete answer.
Take a look at the picture. Create 2 sentences about it using one comparative and one superlative adjective.
Take a look at the picture. Create 2 sentences about it using one comparative and one superlative adjective.
Take a look at the picture. Create 2 sentences about it using one comparative and one superlative adjective.
Student's answer.
This is the ...
most delicious cake I've ever eaten!
more delicious cake I've ever eaten!
deliciouser cake I've ever eaten!
deliciousest cake I've ever eaten!
Complete the sentence correctly: The children ...
are running so fast!
is running so fast!
doesn't run so fast!
are runing so fast!
Create 5 sentences to describe the picture. Use there is/there are:
Studen'ts answer.