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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We didn't play loud music. We didn't want to upset our neighbors. (because)
We didn't play loud music because we didn't want to upset our neighbors.
You'll have to wait. You'll have to see what happens. (AND)
You'll have to wait AND see what happens.
You can pay in cash. You can pay by credit card, too. (or)
You can pay in cash OR by credit card.
My brother wants to find a better paid job. He wants to buy a new car. (in order to)
My brother wants to find a better paid job IN ORDER TO buy a new car.
I woke up early. I didn’t want to be late for the bus. (so)
I didn't want to be late for the bus SO I woke up early.
We tried to talk quietly. We didn't want to wake up the baby. (because)
We tried to talk quietly BECAUSE we didn't want to wake up the baby.
I studied really hard. I didn’t pass my English test. (but)
I studied really hard, BUT I didn’t pass my English test
I eat healthy food. I want to feel good. (because)
I eat healthy food BECAUSE I want to feel good.
My sister was on a business trip. I looked after her daughter. (so)
My sister was on a business trip, SO I looked after her daughter.
He finished the race first. He didn’t get a gold medal. (but)
He finished the race first, BUT he didn’t get a gold medal.
The laptop was very expensive. Mark decided to buy it. (but)
The laptop was very expensive, BUT Mark decided to buy it.