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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When...you get home? - Yesterday
When did you get home? - Yesterday
They (forget) to buy new clothes for the trip
They forgot to buy new clothes for the trip
...go shopping in New York? - Yes, we (do)
Did you go shopping in New York? - Yes, we did
Sarah and John (buy) two tickets to Egypt
Sarah and John bought two tickets to Egypt
We (go) to America by plane
We went to America by plane
...you see crocodiles in China? - No, I (do not)
Did you see crocodiles in China? - No, I didn't.
She (go) to Egypt last summer
She went to Egypt last summer
I (visit) Turkey, because I (want) to see my grandparents
I visited Turkey, because I wanted to see my grandparents
He (eat) pizza and (go) to the zoo in Mexico
He ate pizza and went to the zoo in Mexico
I (see) a kangaroo in Australia
I saw a kangaroo in Australia
My sister (be) in Argentina, but she (NOT be) in Chile
My sister was in Argentina, but she wasn't in Chile
They (play) football in Brazil
They played football in Brazil
I (go) to Spain, but I (NOT go) to India last summer
I went to Spain, but I didn't go to India last summer